Sunday, July 27, 2008

A good morning's work...

A good morning's work...and then (of course) the sky darkened, the thunder roared and once again they had to pack up...tarp up...and wait for another dry day...But look! My porch is shingled!


Anonymous said...

So I just spent about the last hour or so going through every entry and gazing wistfully at every picture. I navigated my way here from - thanks for posting a response to my journal entry as well as leaving a link to this excellent journal here. Congrats to both of you - this looks as if it's going to be a wonderful home. And Rick, I'm completely jealous of what's to be your garage. I have a one car that my motorcycle pretty much fills. Can't wait to have space! And a timber beam one to boot. Can't wait to see it finished. I'll be around...

Rick and Dianne said...

Hey Shad, stop by anytime! Always glad for company here. I am very happy you enjoyed what you've seen so far...